October 30 2023

Scholarship programme for Tamkang University

We focus on social needs and trends. CEO Samuel show appreciation to the alma mate and also fulfilling corporate social responsibility. From the 108th academic year to the 111th academic year, we have provided a total of eight internship positions. Starting in the year 111, we established the “Bestat Diversity Learning Scholarship” in the Department of Statistics at Tamkang University to support and encourage students in their diligent pursuit of knowledge. We hope to contribute to creating a better society.


We focus on social needs and trends. CEO Samuel show appreciation to the alma mate and also fulfilling corporate social responsibility. From the 108th academic year to the 111th academic year, we have provided a total of eight internship positions. Starting in the year 111, we established the “Bestat Diversity Learning Scholarship” in the Department of Statistics at Tamkang University to support and encourage students in their diligent pursuit of knowledge. We hope to contribute to creating a better society.

